Persian language history
The Persian language covers a vast land beyond the Nile, Central Asia, India, Afghanistan, Asia Minor and the Balkans. The Persian language is one of the oldest languages in the world and belongs to the "Indian and Iranian" group, which includes all the languages of the Indian subcontinent, Iran and Europe. Currently, more than 50% of Iran's population, 25% of Afghanistan's population and about 2 million of Pakistan's population speak Farsi. "Persian language" was the main language of the Achaemenid dynasty, which is called "Old Persian" today. Over the past few centuries, the ancient Persian language has changed into Middle Persian, which is also called "Pahlavi language" with many changes. The Persian language underwent changes with the arrival of Islam in Iran and was renamed "Farsi Dari". Today's Iranian language is a continuation of Dari Persian, which is called "New Persian" and its alphabet is largely identical to the Arabic alphabet. .


Our story
Learning a new language is an exciting adventure in a new world, like an adventurous trip to a wonderland. At first it feels weird and kind of awkward, but then it turns into one of the best experiences of your life. The Strait of Hormoz (/Hormuz / Persian: Tangeh-ye Hormoz) provides the only sea passage from the Persian Gulf to the open ocean, now you are about to cross the strait and we will help you taste the Persian-speaking ocean.
Hormuz Academy was established in 2019 under the supervision of Chekaveh Science and Art Cultural Institute to carry out educational, research, cultural and media activities. Hormoz Academy started its activities as a representative of "Saadi Foundation" and has expanded its activities by teaching Persian language to foreign students living in Iran in cooperation with Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Allameh Tabatabai University.

our team
Hormuz Academy has tried to assemble a panel of experts including professors and qualified researchers in applied linguistics and especially in teaching Persian to non-Persian speakers.
Our mission
We are here to show the world that learning Persian language is an interesting journey that has a lot of cultural expansion.

Why Hormuz Academy?

Teaching Persian language based on the educational standard of the Saadi Foundation
Using fully experienced and expert professors in the field of Azfa (teaching Farsi to non-Persian speakers)
Providing online courses along with face-to-face courses
Diversity in training courses: group; semi-group; private
Personal program for private students of Hormuz Academy
Efficiency of the latest methods of teaching Persian language to non-Persian speakers
Dispatch of lecturers in line with the principle of customer orientation
Advanced audio and video equipment and facilities, suitable teaching environment, and quiet environment to improve the quality of education.
Language teaching and communication with learners through social network (Instagram)

Do you have any questions?

We are with you in all step of learning
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